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Financial Aid Application

Financial Aid Application Graphic

Thank you for your interest in Monsignor Scanlan High School!

Please be aware that any scholarships and financial aid CANNOT be combined. If at any time you are awarded both you will receive the higher amount.


Please complete the Financial Aid Application below. Required fields marked with an asterisk *

Student Information

Student Current Grade*
Answer Required

Parent/Guardian 1 Information

Preferred Phone Type*
Answer Required
Answer Required
Parent/Guardian 1 W-2*
Answer Required
or drag it here.
Parent/Guardian 1 Form 10-40*
Answer Required
or drag it here.
Parent/Guardian 1 Last 4 Pay Stubs*
Answer Required
or drag it here.
I am a graduate of Monsignor Scanlan High School*
$500 grant awarded to a student whose parent, legal guardian, or sibling graduated from Monsignor Scanlan High School. Please supply the name at graduation, relationship, and year of graduation for the alumni.
Answer Required
Are you currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces?*
$1,000 grant awarded to a student whose parent or legal guardian who is currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Proof will be required.
Answer Required
Are you currently employed in law enforcement?*
$1,000 grant awarded to a student whose parent or legal guardian who is currently serving in Law Enforcement. Proof will be required.
Answer Required
Proof of ID for Military Service or Law Enforcement
Answer Required
or drag it here.
Do you have another child currently enrolled at Monsignor Scanlan High School?*
If you have another student attending Monsignor Scanlan High School, you will receive a $500 sibling discount per child.
Answer Required

Parent/Guardian 2 Information

Parent/Guardian 2 Preferred Phone Type
Answer Required
Parent/Guardian 2 W-2
Answer Required
or drag it here.
Parent/Guardian 2 Form 10-40
Answer Required
or drag it here.
Parent/Guardian 2 Last 4 Pay Stubs
Answer Required
or drag it here.
I am graduate of Monsignor Scanlan High School
$500 grant awarded to a student whose parent, legal guardian, or sibling graduated from Monsignor Scanlan High School. Please supple the name at graduation, relationship, and year of graduation for the alumni.
Answer Required
Are you currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces?
$1,000 grant awarded to a student whose parent or legal guardian who is currently serving the U.S. armed Forces. Proof will be required.
Answer Required
Are you currently employed in law enforcement?
$1,000 grant awarded to a student whose parent or legal guardian who is currently serving in Law Enforcement. Proof will be required.
Answer Required
Proof of ID for Military Service or Law Enforcement
Answer Required
or drag it here.
Price: $35.00
Confirmation Email